Tuesday 27 October 2009

Back in Paris

After 4 days away, 2 of them taken up with planes and airports, I was very glad to return to Paris. Edmonton had a certain charm but given a choice between the two cities I know which one I'd pick. Plus Paris has the advantage of better weather. Right on time for the holidays of Toussaint, the weather here has warmed up. Today it was 18C, with an amazing brilliant clear blue sky. Just look at this -

You maybe able to make out the vapour trail of a jet in the middle of the photo, some unlucky people were leaving Paris. We decided to go to the Luxembourg Museum, to see the Tiffany exhibition.

The museum is small, so the shows held there aren't overwhelming and as Louis Comfort Tiffany is not well known in France, there was no line up to get in, a rare occurrence in Paris. Without the crowds, except in the gift store, the show was a pleasant experience and we were able to get up close to the exquisite pieces. No English explanations despite the show flyer being printed in English and French, however you will still enjoy it. Especially fascinating for me was discovering how the windows were made from glass of different thicknesses and textures. The exhibition, mostly glass, has a mix of pieces from wildly coloured, to elegant and simple.
After, we went into the gardens and spent an hour sitting in the sun.

It is the perfect place to do nothing or just stroll. Tomorrow, if the weather is similar, we'll take a picnic to the gardens.

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