Tuesday 13 December 2011

Other books

Les Éditions de l'Épure specialize in small format books. They have produced over 250 titles that range from Apricots to Sardines by way of Camembert and Pot-au-feu leftovers. These books are all beautifully crafted, with specially chosen papers, textured covers with French flaps and hand stitched with linen thread. And, in very French style, their pages must be cut before you can read them.
One of the latest additions to the collection is Le Boeuf  by William Bernet and Gaël Marie-Magdeleine. Many of you will know William and Gaël from Le Severo restaurant, a mecca in Paris for lovers of superb beef and good wine. Luckily for us it is just up the street from our apartment and we have become friends with William, Gaël and the chef Johnny, that is how I managed to have my book signed before its launch.

The blood red pages contain recipes for more humble cuts beloved by butchers in France, like la poire, cut from the thigh and l'araignée also cut from the thigh and shaped like a spider, as well as my favourites, tail, shank and cheek. Even more interestingly I discovered reading Gaël's introduction that William couldn't decide whether to become a butcher or a priest! Luckily for us meat won out.

If you are not in Paris you can find this book in small interesting bookstores like Omnivore in San Francisco,  Books-to-Cooks in Vancouver or La Librairie Gourmande in Montréal. And next time you are in Paris book a table at Le Severo and take your book along. If William is in a good mood he might sign it for you

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