Monday 3 December 2012

Odd Bits Sizzler

Here is a sizzler reel introducing the Odd Bits pilot that was filmed in Toronto this summer.
 Please take a look and let me know what you think either here or, even better add your comment to Youtube and perhaps we might get the chance to make more episodes. And if you have 20 minutes free  you might want to watch the entire pilot here.


Christopher Campbell said...

Wonderful, I want to try all of the Odd Bits!

Carol said...

I will watch the pilot when I can, that was really interesting. I guess testicles are only glands and I eat sweetbreads so my initial reaction is not exactly logical. I ate lamb sweetbreads in Italy last year but I haven't seen them here.

Jennifer said...

Lamb's testicles are milder than you think. If you get a chance try them. You can often find them in Middle Eastern butchers or ask your butcher.

Carol said...

Okay, I do pass those butchers on my walk home from work. I know some folks who will eat them if I change my mind. My husband and my Argentinian neighbour will eat anything.

George said...

I've never cooked testicles myself, and this looks like a great approach to take. This pilot looks fantastic, and I'm going to share this on Facebook. Can't wait to see what my friend who's a chef in Rome says. Not too "Odd", but later today I'll be used Pork Neck Bones (with some surrounding meat) in a bean soup. Another "Odd Bit" ingredient I've been interested in, since seeing it in Salvador Dali's cookbook, is Lamb's Brains--do you use that much?

Jennifer said...

I cook with brains often. Their flavour is mild and their texture is creamy. They make a great filling for ravioli and excellent fritters. Recipes for both in Odd Bits.

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